该片编剧为法雷利和《绿皮书》的联合编剧Brian Currie及Pete Jones(《嘿咻卡》),改编自纪实书《The Greatest Beer Run Ever: A True Story of Friendship Stronger Than War》,讲述John "Chickie" Donohue的真实故事:越南战争时期的1967年,26岁的前美国海军陆战队成员Donohue从纽约出发,去越南寻找正在当兵的三个儿时好友,给他们送去啤酒。
In a monastery cult off from the world, the monks run a clinic for the possessed. One day, a young policeman Marek comes to the convent. Posing as a clergyman, he penetrates monastic life and tries to explain the recent, mysterious disappearance of several tormented inmates. It turns out, however, that there is no way out of the monastery .
1984年的东德,整个社会笼罩在国家安全局的高压统治之下,特工魏斯曼(乌尔里希·穆埃 Ulrich Mühe 饰)奉命监听剧作家德莱曼(塞巴斯蒂安·科赫 Sebastian Koch 饰)及其女友演员克里斯蒂娜(马蒂娜·格德克 Martina Gedeck 饰)的生活,监听过程中,魏斯曼渐渐对这家人的生活产生了兴趣,开始暗中帮助他们。一篇刊登在西德《明镜》报上的文章引起了特工头目的注意,他们认为这篇文章是德莱曼写的,并逮捕了克里斯蒂娜,希望能够从她口中得出她丈夫的秘密?而审问克里斯蒂娜的正是魏斯曼……
Adam is a teenage artist coming of age in the aftermath of an alien takeover. The Vuvv, a species of hyper-intelligent extraterrestrials, brought wondrous technology to earth, but only the wealthiest can afford it. The rest of humanity, their livelihoods now obsolete, have to scrape together money in the tourism industry. In the case of Adam and his budding love interest Chloe,...