乔·赖特(《至暗时刻》《赎罪》《傲慢与偏见》)将执导悬疑惊悚新片《窗里的女人》(The Woman in the Window),根据A.J. Finn所著同名畅销小说改编,崔西·莱茨(《八月:奥色治郡》《伯德小姐》)操刀剧本。讲述女主角Anna Fox隐居在纽约家中,酗酒、看老电影、回忆曾经的美好,以及暗中监视她的邻居们。当罗素一家三口搬来后,Anna某晚透过窗户看到了不该看的东西,她的世界开始支离破碎,令人震惊的秘密开始显露出来。
号称是美国七十年代最非著名的一部科幻电影杰作,导演索尔·巴斯是设计师,还曾两次获过奥斯卡奖,但不知为何这部经典的心理科幻片至今都没出DVD。 Desert ants suddenly form a collective intelligence and begin to wage war on the desert inhabitants. It is up to two scientists and a stray girl they rescue from the ants to destroy them. But the ants have other ideas. Phase IV is an incredible full length feature film by Saul Bass who is most acclaimed as a graphic designer who's work can be seen as the opening credits from The Seven Year Itch, Vertigo, West Side Story to Alien, Broadcast News and Casino. Phase IV is a much overlooked film that is very much in the style of The Andromeda Strain. What it perhaps lacks in story, it gains in the photography of the millions of ants. 索尔·巴斯,美国动画片绘制家、美工师、导演,1920年5月8日生于纽约市,少年时曾经在布鲁克林学院学习绘画,毕业后从事过十年自由职业设计师的职业,1946年在洛杉矶创立索尔·巴斯合作公司。他在为一些影片进行美术设计时,猜出心裁地为片头片尾的演职人员表配上生动活泼的动画人物,这些动画人物的形态动作巧妙地提示了影片的主题,反映了影片的基调,从而使单调乏味的演职人员表和谐地成为了影片不可或缺的一部分,这种大胆的创新丰富了电影的表现形式,广受观众们的喜爱,其后为不少国家的影片所沿用。索尔·巴斯设计片头片尾的影片以《卡门·琼斯》(1955)、《红衣主教》(1963)等片最为著名。此外,他还监制和导演了很多电视广告片、动画片片和纪录片,如《敏锐的眼光》(1963)、《第四相》(1974)等。
Just before Christmas, Lee Leander is caught shoplifting. It is her third offense. She is prosecuted by John Sargent. He postpones the trial because it is hard to get a conviction at Christmas time. But he feels sorry for her and arranges for her bail, and ends up taking her home to his mother for Christmas. Surrounded by a loving family (in stark contrast to Lee's own family b...
千妍秀(朴正雅 Jeong-ah Park 饰)的父亲因为投机倒买土地成为富有的暴发户,而千妍秀更是集合性感美丽的外貌与多金雄厚的家庭背景而成为异性追逐环绕的中心点。然而一向高傲的妍秀阴错阳差的认识了外形俊朗的大学生政道(朴镇宇 Jin-woo Park 饰),生活的轨迹发生转变。为了报复政道不为自己美色所动,妍秀不惜亲自出马诱惑政道,不料虽然计划成功而自己也对政道产生了真挚的爱情。但是政道告诉妍秀,他是乐安邑城古老氏族的嫡长孙,而自己不久后就要回去接受长辈给自己安排的婚礼。而此时,黑道老大罗大镇(李元宗 Won-jong Lee 饰)也因为盯上了千会长的家财而欲取妍秀为妻。然而,这段可能无疾而终的感情峰回路转,因为妍秀发现自己怀孕了,而孩子神秘的父亲成为众人追踪的重点对象!
The world has been ravaged by vampires. A group of survivors band together to search for loved ones who may be alive, dead or something in between, eventually taking shelter in what may be the only safe hideout left to them. But well defended hideouts have a way of becoming prisons. And prisons aren't the safest place to be when your friends can turn on you at any time.
Vali and Mina are 2 sisters who oppose everything. One is a singer dreamer and emotional. The other is a therapist, distant and rational. Their father ends up finding the perfect opportunity to bring them together and try to reconcile them
Adult brothers Mark and Colin Pollock still live with their parents Frank and Mavis Pollock in a small apartment in the projects of London's east end in what is a collective depressed and unhappy existence. The three men of the household are all on the dole, each doing little to find gainful employment. Between the brothers, Mark is the smart aleck, who calls his parents by the...
二十岁的罗斯(詹森·舒瓦兹曼 Jason Schwartzman 饰)年纪轻轻就已经深陷毒谭,为此甚至欠下了巨额的债务,可是,尽管现状是如此堪忧,但罗斯的脑袋里除了毒品和性爱外,几乎空空如也。蜘蛛麦克(约翰·雷吉扎莫 John Leguizamo 饰)是当地有名的毒贩,他负责给他的“上级”厨子(米基·洛克 Mickey Rourke 饰)提供毒品。除此之外,还有弗里斯(派屈克·福吉特 Patrick Fugit 饰),不幸的他被两个臭名昭著的警察给盯上了。
过度沉湎酒精、年届不惑的盖瑞·金(西蒙·佩吉 Simon Pegg 饰),突然间想起20年前青春时代一件引以为豪但未竟的浪荡事,于是相继找来如今已经有了各自家庭和事业的好伙伴奥利弗·张伯伦(马丁·弗瑞曼 Martin Freeman 饰)、彼得·佩吉(埃迪·马森 Eddie Marsan 饰)、史蒂文·普林斯(帕迪·康斯戴恩 Paddy Considine 饰)和安迪·奈特利(尼克·弗罗斯特 Nick Frost 饰)。他们相约返回故乡纽顿哈芬,试图再次找回通宵5人、12间酒吧、60杯啤酒的快乐时光。小镇一如既往,几乎没有什么变化,但是镇上的人似乎全然不记得这几个老男孩。